August 15, Anarchy worked at Road Runner Food Bank. The team shift was from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., the team hit the ground running. The task at hand: dividing/boxing/stacking/wrapping mass quantities of produce. By the end of the shift, Anarchy prepared over 7 1/4 TONS of produce. You will see some of the 1,100 pound pallets behind the team in the pictures. All produce was to be distributed to various food pantries, churches, and other social organizations who would then distribute the food, those entities throughout the area who are helping to feed people with food insecurity. The team was so effective in their duties, Road Runner personnel continued to bring out additional produce for preparation. (Let’s talk about onions, shall we?)

In addition to being of service to the community, this service project was in fact a fantastic team building opportunity. The entire team worked together: from learning how to weigh and move pallets stacked with food to lifting and loading 50 pound bags of carrots, to ensuring the correct combination of produce was loaded onto each pallet.






