RRSC 07 Tigers and a few girls and their families attend the United Way’s Lend a Hand event today at the United Way of Central New Mexico’s offices. They learned about how the New Day organization helps kids experiencing homelessness and helped pack gift...
Thank you to all that participated in the Rio Rapids SC fund raising event. Rio Rapids SC donated $4,259.21 to the cause! Fun fact was that Rio ranked 6th out of 423 donation teams throughout the ABQ area!
Community Service Project for the Blue Lions 05 and Blue Lions 03. Our teams partnered with IRRVA (Immigrant and Refugee Resource Village of Albuquerque) to create a soccer scrimmage with their children. These are children from families that have come to America...
U15 Rio Rapid Scorpions giving back to the community by cleaning up Arroyo Del Oso park.
On Saturday, February 6th, the girls from the U13 Valkyrie and U12 Shock, spent their evening serving dinner at the West Side Emergency Shelter. Each evening, during the winter months, between 200-300 homeless men, women and children are picked up from Albuquerque...
Dash and Flash’s community service project this past Monday, December 21st at Roadrunner Food Bank. The girls and their families worked very hard and were able to pack 700 lbs of cereal to feed 3,504 families!!! A great time was had by all and the girls enjoyed...