A Huge Thank you to all of our sponsors: Clark’s Pet Emporium, Vernon’s Speakeasy, Brandley Maestas Chiropractic, New Mexico Runners, New Mexico United, Legacy Home Health and Hospice, and Starr Brothers Brewing Company. Your generous support will have a...
Rio Rapids Soccer Club is participating in a community service event to help keep our parks clean! Players and coaches will beautify Arroyo Del Oso park by ridding it of litter and waste. If your team is interested in joining the event please contact Kiva...
Congratulations to our 06 team decorating the Pediatric Medical and Intensive Care Units at Presbyterian Hospital for St. Patrick’s Day. The girls had a great...
A huge Thank You! to the Players and Parents from Rio 03 and Rio 04 Brennan’s teams. They worked on December 29th at Roadrunner Food Bank and prepared 5000lbs of produce. 24 participants doing 44 hours of work! Way to make Rio...
Congratulations to our Rio members! Our Rio Rapids Soccer Club raised $1975.00 for Breast Cancer by selling Pink training shirts to players, parents, and fans in October. All of the proceeds went to the @AmericanCancer Thank you! #riorapidssc #riokicksbreastcancer...
Rio Rapids SC 05B Sol took part in the Go Pink or Go Home fundraising event at the Tony Hillerman Middle School. The event raised over $3000 dollars for the American Cancer Society. The team helped raise $100 dollars with their ‘Volleyball Shoot Out’...